Welcome to the Verde Valley/Sedona Burn Permit Website!

Citizens residing within the the jurisdictions of the Cottonwood Fire Department, the Copper Canyon Fire & Medical District, the Verde Valley Fire District and the Sedona Fire District can use this site to request a residential burn permit, check burning restrictions, and activate/deactivate a burn.
To apply for a burn permit online, click on the Apply for Permit link and follow the prompts. You will receive an email with your burn permit details. Please check your junk or spam folders. If you need to change your password or have forgotten your password, click here to reset it.
Residential burn permits allow for the burning of green waste only (leaves, tree trimmings, organic vegetation). The burning of other residential waste is not permitted.
Annual Burn Seasons
Burn permits are only valid during the calendar year of issue and a new burn permit must be obtained each year.
Burn Times
Weather conditions permitting, burning is permitted during the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Times may be restricted based on local weather predictions.
Burn Day Determination
Burning is permitted only when weather conditions allow for safe burning. Wind, humidity, air quality, and regional alerts and warnings are closely monitored and evaluated. Burning is not permitted if winds exceed 10 mph and/or relative humidity is below 9%. Burning is not permitted if weather forecasts predict high wind gusts (>20 mph). Additionally, burning is not permitted if a Red Flag warning issued by the National Weather Service within 50 miles of the service area. Air quality must be “good” or “moderate” to allow for burning.
Communications Specialists utilize National Weather Service (NWS) resources for burn day determinations. These resources include: Hourly Tabular Forecast, Air Quality, and Regional Alerts (Yavapai County, Coconino County).
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for a list of FAQ’s.
Be extremely careful with open flames. NWS issues a Red Flag Warning, in conjunction with land management agencies, to alert land managers to an ongoing or imminent critical fire weather pattern. NWS issues a Red Flag Warning when fire conditions are ongoing or expected to occur shortly.

Non-Emergency: 928-649-1397